My most important publications in journals with an IF factor:
- M. Kwiatkowski*, J. Serafin, A.M. Booth, B. Michalkiewicz, Computer analysis of the effect of activation temperature on the microporous structure development of activated carbon derived from common polypody. Materials 14, 2951 (2021). IF = 3.057.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, E. Broniek, V. Fierro, A. Celzard, An evaluation of the impact of the amount of potassium hydroxide on the porous structure development of activated carbons. Materials 14, 2045 (2021). IF = 3.057.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, X. Hu, Analysis of the effect of conditions of preparation of nitrogen-doped activated carbons derived from lotus leaves by activation with sodium amide on the formation of their porous structure. Materials 14, 1540 (2021). IF = 3.057.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, D. Kalderis, A complementary analysis of the porous structure of biochars obtained from biomass. CARBON LETTERS 30, 325–329 (2020). IF = 2.012.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, D.P. Vargas Delgadillo, Computer analysis of the effect of the type of activating agent on the formation of the porous structure of activated carbon monoliths. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY 8, 4457–4463 (2019). IF = 3,327.
- M. Kwiatkowski, V. Fierro, A. Celzard, Confrontation of various adsorption models for assessing the porous structure of activated carbons. ADSORPTION 25, 1673–1682 (2019). IF = 1,731.
- K. Mondal, B. Balasubramaniam, A. Gupta, A. A. Lahcen, M. Kwiatkowski Carbon nanostructures for energy and sensing applications. Journal of Nanotechnology Article ID 1454327, 1-3 (2019). IF = 1,761.
- M. Kwiatkowski, V. Fierro, A. Celzard*, Numerical studies of the effects of process conditions on the development of the porous structure of adsorbents prepared by chemical activation of lignin with alkali hydroxides. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE 486, 277-286 (2017). IF = 5,091.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, J. Sreńscek-Nazzal, B. Michalkiewicz, An analysis of the effect of the additional activation process on the formation of the porous structure and pore size distribution of the commercial activated carbon WG-12. ADSORPTION, 23, 551-561 (2017) IF = 1,870.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, D. Kalderis, E.Diamadopoulos, Numerical analysis of the influence of the impregnation ratio on the microporous structure formation of activated carbons, prepared by chemical activation of waste biomass with phosphoric acid. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS 105, 81-85 (2017). IF = 2,207.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, E. Broniek, An analysis of the porous structure of activated carbons obtained from hazelnut shells by various physical and chemical methods of activation. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A 529 (2017) 443-453. IF = 2,852.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, B.H. Hameed, An evaluation of the reliability of the characterization of the porous structure of activated carbons based on incomplete nitrogen adsorption isotherms. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MODELING (2017) 23:238. IF = 2,018.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, Analysis of the microporous structure of the low-cost activated carbon fibres obtained from flax and jute cloth. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY 55 (2017) 1893-1902. IF = 1,057.
- M. Kwiatkowski, A. Policicchio, M. Seredych, T. J. Bandosz*, Evaluation of CO2 interactions with S-doped nanoporous carbon and its composites with a reduced GO: Effect of surface features on an apparent physical adsorption mechanism. CARBON 98, 250-258 (2016). IF = 7,088.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, J. T. Duda, J. Milewska-Duda, Application of the LBET class models with the original fluid statemodel to an analysis of single, double and triple carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen adsorption isotherms. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A: PHYSICOCHEM. ENG. ASPECTS 457, 449-454 (2014). IF = 2,852.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, J. T. Duda, Szybka wielowariantowa analiza izoterm adsorpcji ditlenku węgla i metanu. PRZEMYSŁ CHEMICZNY 93/6, 878-881 (2014). IF = 0,399.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, Magazynowanie metanu w porowatych materiałach węglowych. PRZEMYSŁ CHEMICZNY 92/5, 629-633 (2013). IF = 0,344.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, E. Broniek, Application of the LBET class adsorption models to the analysis of microporous structure of the active carbons produced from biomass by chemical activation with the use of potassium carbonate. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A: PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS 427, 47-52 (2013). IF = 2,108.
- J. T. Duda, J. Milewska-Duda, M. Kwiatkowski*, M. Ziółkowska, A geometrical model of random porous structures to adsorption calculations. ADSORPTION 19, 545-555 (2013). IF = 1,553.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, E. Broniek, Application of the LBET class adsorption models to analyze influence of production process conditions on the obtained microporous structure of activated carbons. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A: PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS 411, 105-110 (2012). IF = 2,108.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, E.Broniek, Komputerowa analiza struktury porowatej adsorbentów otrzymanych z odpadowych materiałów pochodzenia roślinnego w procesie aktywacji chemicznej kwasem fosforowym(V). PRZEMYSŁ CHEMICZNY 91/12, 2355-2360 (2012). IF = 0,344.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, M. Wiśniewski, G. Rychlicki, The numerical analysis of the spherical carbon adsorbents obtained from ion-exchange resins in one-step steam pyrolysis. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 259, 13-20 (2012). IF = 2,112.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, Analysis of relative pressure range influence on the identification quality during computer identification of adsorption system parameters by employing the new multilayer adsorption models. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 257, 8912-8922 (2011). IF = 2,103.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, M. Wiśniewski, A. Pacholczyk, The application of the fast multivariant fitting procedure of the LBET models to the analysis of carbon foams prepared by various methods from furfuryl alcohol. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A: PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS 385, 72-84 (2011). IF = 2,236.
- J. T. Duda, M. Kwiatkowski, J. Milewska-Duda*, Application of clustering based gas adsorption models to analysis of microporous structure of carbonaceous materials. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 256, 5243-5248 (2010). IF = 1,793.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, Analiza technicznych i ekologicznych aspektów wykorzystania biomasy do celów energetycznych w Polsce. PRZEMYSŁ CHEMICZNY 5/89, 1-5 (2010). IF = 0,290.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, Computer analysis of the microporous structure of activated carbon fibres using the fast multivariant identification procedure of adsorption system parameters. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE 330, 266-275 (2009). IF = 3,019.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, Use of fast multivariant identification of the parameters of adsorption systems to study the impact of activating agent on microporous structure formation during activation. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE 340, 1-7 (2009). IF = 3,019.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, Zastosowanie metody wielowariantowego dopasowywania modeli LBET do analizy wpływu warunków procesu aktywacji na uzyskane parametry struktury mikroporowatej węgli aktywnych. PRZEMYSŁ CHEMICZNY 87/3, 284-288 (2008). IF = 0,254.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, Application of fast multivariant identification technique of adsorption systems to analyze influence of production process conditions on obtained microporous structure parameters of carbonaceous adsorbents. MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS 115, 314-331 (2008). IF = 2,555.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, Application of the LBET class models to describe the structure of microporous activated carbons on the basis of argon and benzene adsorption isotherms. ADSORPTION 14, 37-53 (2008). IF = 1,237.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, Computer analyses of new numerical methods for the description of adsorption process and the reliability of identification of microporous structure parameters. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MODELING 14, 183-200 (2008). IF = 2,018.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, Computer analysis of microporous structure by employing the LBET class models with various variants of the adsorption energy distribution in comparison to the classical equations. LANGMUIR 23, 2569-2581 (2007). IF = 4,009.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, Numerical analysis of nitrogen adsorption isotherms on active carbons by an employment of the new LBET class models. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE 313, 428-439 (2007). IF = 2,309.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, Employing the new computer LBET class models with multivariant fitting to the analysis of single and double adsorption isotherms generated by the selected classical equations in different relative pressures. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY 42, 815-835 (2007). IF = 1,057.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, Comparison of the evaluation reliability of microporous structure parameters by employing single and double adsorption isotherms. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A: PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS 294, 92-101 (2007). IF = 1,601.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, Zastosowanie modeli klasy LBET do wyznaczania parametrów struktury mikroporowatej węgla aktywnego na podstawie pojedynczych i podwójnych izoterm adsorpcji azotu. PRZEMYSŁ CHEMICZNY 86/7, 656-662 (2007). IF = 0,196.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, J.T. Duda, J. Milewska-Duda, Nowy model adsorpcji wielowarstwowej LBETh na powierzchniach heterogenicznych mikroporowatych materiałów węglowych. PRZEMYSŁ CHEMICZNY 86/9, 878-882 (2007). IF = 0,196.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, Application of the LBET class mathematical models to describe of the active carbon microporous structure on the basis of the argon adsorption isotherm. POLISH JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES 15(6a), 107-110 (2006). IF = 0,353.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, Numerical analysis of the LBET class adsorption models properties with the reliability evaluation of the obtained structure parameters. POLISH JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES 15(6a), 111-116. (2006). IF = 0,353.
- J.T. Duda, J. Milewska-Duda, M. Kwiatkowski*, Evaluation of adsorption energy distribution of microporous materials by a multivariant identification. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 252, 570-581 (2005). IF = 1,263.
- J.T. Duda, M. Kwiatkowski*, J. Milewska-Duda, Computer modeling and analysis of heterogeneous structures of microporous carbonaceous materials. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MODELING 11(4-5), 416-430 (2005). IF = 1,670.
- M. Kwiatkowski*, J. T. Duda, J. Milewska-Duda, New models for vapour adsorption as a tool in technology and science. POLISH JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES 14(4), 119-122 (2005). IF = 0,352.
- J. Milewska-Duda, J. T. Duda*, G. Jodłowski, M. Kwiatkowski, A model for multilayer adsorption of small molecules in microporous materials, LANGMUIR 16, 7294-7303 (2000). IF = 3,045.
Bibliographic indicators of scientific achievements: Σ IF = 119,2, h-index = 13; Citations = 496.